My experience dates back a few years, but I was a dealer for Marantz, Denon, Sony ES, Pioneer Elite and ARCAM. I decided to do a shootout one evening involving the "premium" AV receivers we had on hand in the $2,000-$3,000 price range. The group of "high brand awareness" receivers faired well, and in my view the Marantz edged out the others in this group in SQ. We were also aware that the sonic signature of these pieces was quite different from the better examples of the 2-channel separates we had on hand. Having set higher expectations, we saved the ARCAM for last. After a short audition, it was clear something was very different. So much more ease in the presentation, with more dynamic contrast, darker backgrounds and space between the notes. It had distinquished itself as being in another performance class altogether, more in tune (literally) with the better 2-channel gear than AV receivers. To me, it was a bit like spending a few hours in work boots, than going home and slilpping into a pair of comfortable slippers. Yes, it was THAT different.
Time has passed, and things have probably changed. I haven't spent quality time with Anthem, and it does appear they take SQ seriously. I decided to keep an ARCAM AVR600 around for a "rainy day" or to pass on to one of my grandkids.