Wadia 581SE, DCS Puccini or something else???

Hi all,

I've sold my Wadia 860X player and am looking for something new. The two players that came to my mind were the Wadia 581SE, which seems to get positive feedback on this forum (beating the Emm-Labs "one box" player and the new DCS Puccini.

Has anyone compared the two players and what are the differences in sound? It seems that the DCS Puccini doesn't get used to much here or is that because it still relatively new?

If anyone has any other player to recommend please do so. I know the APL player is extremely good but that's out of my price range. Besides, I want to make a move to Turntables too at some point so I don't want a ridiculous expensive player.

Thanks for your feedback

I was looking to replace an Esoteric source and tried the new dCS Puccini with Boulder amplification. The Puccini is new, hideously expensive, British and not particularly accessible for auditions - so i'm not surprised that not a lot has been written about it in this predominantly US forum.

I found the Puccini sound to be clean, fast, neutral and uncompromising in resolution. The Puccini is also the only player i've ever heard thats volume control [for direct connection to a power amplifier] was not, at least to me, audibly inferior to the fixed line out. I was however incensed with the cheap plastic remote and the absence of this players ability to DSD upsample from external sources.
I don't think the Wadia 9 series has been discussed often on Audiogon. Has anyone ever had the opportunity to compare the 9 series to the Wadia 581SE?

I did not like the sound of the 581SE. Wadia I thought would be a great player before I heard it at a dealer. Audio Research CD7 sounded much better. Wadia reminds me of Rotel.
Have not compared Wadia 581SE do dCS but can say what Wadia’s sound signature is in comparison to Audio Aero Capitole SE and ML 390S.
Wadia and ML are closer to each other and starkly different players from AA.
To my surprise Wadia and ML sounded much smoother in HF than AA, quite the opposite of the preconceptions I had, and were significantly more extended on both ends.
The differences between Wadia and ML are not enormous, Wadia betters ML in terms of soundstage and imaging (ML is two dimensional in comparison to Wadia), and has more extension and control on bottom end, tonally they are close and the differences would be more along the lines of a preference and system synergy.
I personally would not go for AA, not even at significantly lower price tag.
It was easy to compare Wadia and dCS in Munich Show 08 on April. Most liked dCS.

Regarding remote controls, it's not the case to be beautiful but to work.