EICO Tube Amp HF 14...Transformer question

I just purchased these vintage Mono Blocks .

Upon checking the insides I noticed that one transformer had shilac colored fluid....possibly leaking  on its bottom.

Is this indicative of a problem ?....or is this normal ?

Also:...there is no fuse value written . Does anyone know the correct fuse value.?

Thank you


Use a variac with a speaker connected to slowly power up the amp. Adding a dim bulb tester to check current draw is a good idea.

If the amp has a slow start tube rectifier using a variac as described above can cause damage.




Upon checking the insides I noticed that one transformer had shilac colored fluid....possibly leaking  on its bottom.

@rocky1313 The filter capacitors in the power supplies of these amps are so old there is no way they are any good. It would be a mistake to power up the amps, even slowly, until they have all been replaced.

If you do not heed this warning, you may well find that the power transformers have failed and that will really cost a lot! The power transformer is the larger of the two black metal things at one end of each chassis.

Its worth it getting the filter capacitors replaced!! Any competent technician can do the work. The capacitors should not be that hard to find since CE Distribution has been stocking and manufacturing them specifically for older tube amplifiers.