Good inexpensive temporary speakers

Until we move out of our condo in about a year, I'm looking for a good temporary (probably monitor) set of speakers. Once we purchase the house we'll be moving to, I'll be able to make a better decision about final speakers.

Since they're temporary (and will be up on audiogon in 12 months) I'm looking for something inexpensive but good enough to listen to for a year. I'm thinking Nola Boxers (never heard), Maggie MMG's (heard and not crazy about but good for the price), or other in the $1500 and under range.

In my new campaign for simplicity the electronics will be the Wadia Intuition 01. It includes preamp, 200 watt (8 ohm) amp and Wadia DAC in once unit. It's a bit on the warm forgiving side but great sounding overall.

My preference is always for highly musical, timbre-ly correct and non-fatiguing. Any ideas?
Anyone hear the Tyler Acoustics Linbrook monitors? Hopefully they scale well with good electronics. I'm using the Wadia Intuition 01 200w integrated wDAC.
I actually had the Boxers as a temp speaker a few years ago andt hought they were the bargain of the century. The speakers are easy to drive and easy to place. Great voicing.
I'm impressed so far with the Tyler Linnbrooks. Big and deep for monitors but close your eyes and they sound like floor standers. Rich and deep yet precise and nuanced, timbre is spot on, good dynamics, imaging very good, coherence yes, top end very realistic and totally non fatiguing. Exactly the kind of sound I like. Mate them with good electronics and they don't leave you wanting.

Better than anything I heard when auditioning speakers under $5k. Even though I bought them as temps, I'd probably hold onto them if we were staying in the space were in.