You know when you are dealing with a BS company....

...when you read statements like this:

"You can expect a 15% to 20% improvement in sound for each level as you move up the line. The improvements are in soundstage, resolution, realism, musical presentation, impact, etc."

Me: yeah, the humidity in my room changed from 44 to 45% yesterday, and I immidiately noticed that the realism dropped by 3.4%, yet the musical presentation actually WENT UP by 8.3%. I was able to compensate by turning the lights on in the kitchen and changed my socks. Puh, that was close.





"You don’t HAVE to read the garbage these people put out.

Measurements don’t work on cables. Period. Many say they don’t work on anything else either. So if you believe a particular cable might give a better sound FOR YOU, then you will have to LISTEN TO IT IN YOUR SYSTEM."


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Morrow Audio should get the same ad writer as Synergistic Research! Talk about hyperbole!

      POSTING about hyperbole, while POSING as a fictitious Intelligence Operative?

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The sheet that comes with their cables is laughable nonsense.

The cables are ok. no better or worse than anything else. But he is a total BS artist.