New DAC or New Streamer?

This should be fun. After I pay to get my amp upgraded at VAC next month  I plan to either upgrade my DAC or Streamer next. I should have enough for that by late spring/early summer. I'm retired so I save some each month until I have what I need. My system is in my user profile. But to keep this simple my current DAC is the Dinafrips Venus II I got a year ago. (I also have the Hermes DDC)

My streamer is the Cambridge CXN V2 via coax to the Hermes-> I2s -> DAC which is also 1 year old. I was just getting into streaming then and knew little about it. I have learned a lot this past year, a whole lot.

I think the bottle neck is leaning more toward the streamer. It seems the DAC is pretty good, I know there are much better DAC's out there but it holds it own I think. Maybe not? I cannot afford the likes of DCS, Lampizator, etc.

The next planned upgrades are a Terminator II DAC and Aurender N200 Streamer. Both are $5000-$6000. (Unless I go for the Terminator + DAC that is $7500 but I am not sure it is $2500 better than the Terminator II)

So, since both will get upgraded a year apart, which should I go for first? Which would provide the biggest upgrade?

Thanks. Happy holidays to all.


You are welcome, and the Aeon is the real deal. I have heard some good servers, and it is one of the best. The next comparison I am very interested in is one between the Aeon and Master versions, and then, Master vs. Taiko.

What I also like about the 432 Evo units is that they use external PSUs; the SBooster is a good PSU, but there are high-end linear power supplies that can cost as much as the Aeon itself, so I assume that 432 Evo units’ performance can be taken even further by upgrading from the dual SBoosters. I also expect the Master to obliterate the N20 given that half its cost is the PSU.


Mr Thompson you can start with

a 432evo standard 3500 and you can upgrade to a higher end model easily as the servers are modular you pay the difference in price plus 25% to cover labor plus shipping costs


you can upgrade all the way to a master even from our starter servers

so yes you can afford an EVO


Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect nj

us importers 432evo

Consider a used Aurender N100H in lieu of the N200.  I haven’t heard the difference but the the N100 sounds amazingly good.  You can always get your money back but I believe you’ll want to keep it. 

Thank you, but I have already made an agreement to buy and Aurender N200 from a Forum Member.