The ‘network’ part of my Merging Technologies DAC can be bit confusing to anyone if they are not familiar with the concept of RAVENNA. So what does RAVENNA network configuration allows…..Peer to Peer connection to any numbers of computer or streamers over your network. The Merging DAC has the capability of controlling multiple sources over the network, for example I can connect and toggle between a Innuos Statement, K50 and N20 from its source menu for side by side comparison, all over Ethernet. Think of Merging DAC equivalent to an Analog Preamp but in digital domain.
Now the clock, The MERGING+CLOCK is designed to provide Synchronized Perfection to multiple components simultaneously that can accept Master / Word Clock inputs, like N20 and my Merging DAC.
You can read up in detail about Merging CLOCK here,
This open and published IP network technology had been created to meet the demands of national broadcasters and focused on essential requirements of extremely accurate clocking, high resistance to packet loss and very low latency. Initially it did not encompass high PCM sampling rates and certainly not DSD. However, it was not difficult to make changes to allow that, so Merging worked closely with the developers to make sure that sufficient channels at up to DSD256 could be handled with an accuracy that exceeded anything previously available. It remains the only logical choice for the professional and the audiophile and is now available in MERGING+NADAC. The added bonus to using an advanced networking solution is being able to send and receive control information as well as audio data. This opened up exciting possibilities in the studio and now you can enjoy these same benefits in your own home.