For the first time... digital rig is besting my analog rig in terms of sonic presence and projection. This has never happened before as I've always been more focused on my analog side, letting the Oppo 105 do its thing. However, with some recent additions and changes, my digital side sounds much better and I'm uncomfortable with that. 


  • NAD 558 turntable
  • Hana SL MC and Clearaudio Maestro V2 MM
  • Hagerman Trumpet MC phono stage


  • Oppo 105D BDP
  • Schiit Gungnir DAC


  • Schiit Ragnarok 2


  • Reference 3A de Capo-i

I think the Gungnir was the game changer as it added a sonic presence and clarity missing before. I find my analog reproduction seems to strain more to achieve much the same signature and I don't want to jump back on the upgrade train in order to achieve parity. Blah.


@rauliruegas Nah. I still love vinyl to much to give up on it. And though I think/hope @mijostyn is being sarcastic, I doubt I'll ever have 2000 lps. I actively listen to all my vinyl steadily. And there are many jazz lp's I can't find on streaming or CD.

NAD is the weak link and or your cartridge setup…… tools and precision are required to get the “ rock “… aligned in the groove….

Also, audiophile…know thyself… ditto curator, collector, music nut, java addict…. what really floats your boat ?

Best to you in Music


@simao  : I said " You can do whatever you want ".

You ask I only gave my common sense answer and obviously your common sense is " Nah ". Good, go a had with analog.



@tomic601 Yeah, I get pretty anal about cartridge set-up: Fozgometer, Feikert Protractor, USB micro and protractor for VTA, digital VTF. Half the fun is in dialing in as close to perfection as one can get. 

Honestly your analog chain looks solid. The Trumpet MC is certainly not a weak link, but you can get more sparkle, detail, and clarity by rolling those tubes to anything other than the stock Mullards. Might be worth a shot. The Trumpet MC is definitely on the warm side. Even without delving into NOS, the Russian Tung-Sol 12AX7 will brighten it up a bit. In the 12AU7 slot you might try Philips ECG 6189, which should be cheap and plentiful even if NOS (1980s). 

That said, some people favor analog (for whatever reasons, psychological or hearing-based), and others digital. You might be leaning into the latter camp. I’m decidedly of the former camp - even with all the deficiencies of a Fluance RT85, I still dig listening to that (through a Trumpet MC, incidentally - which is a great match to the lean & slightly bright 2M Blue) over even the Gungnir, Yggdrasil, and even more expensive digital chains.