Anybody try the new Heaven 11 Billie Mk 2?

Looks like a great amp but not many reviews yet. I may give one a try and see how I like it. I’m cross shopping a Pass Labs XA-25 for comparison. 



Huff is just trying to monetize his channel. Nothing wrong with that.


He is also using the sale/resale of those items he buys at industry accommodation (or gets for free for reviewing them) and then after a period of time passes, he seems to sell them on. Nothing wrong with that either.


What’s wrong about this scenario is that innocent individuals (like yourself?) seem to give him and his reviews more credibility than is appropriate. The stuff he reviews is all varying degrees of good to great…which is also the current state of the gear being manufactured.


His system is moving up the foodchain because better manufacturers are willing to let him review their gear now. They are willing to do that because he is getting clicks. He is getting clicks because of his Ginsu knife headline clickbait. Nothing wrong with that either.


He is learing on the fly, just like many of us. His opinions aren’t necessarily invalid but they arent the same thing as Lavorgna or Atkinson or the late Art Dudley saying at the end of a review: “I bought this for my system”. Huff is cranking out seemingly a review per week…that’s not enough time to do one properly. But I get it, he’s trying to earn a living but Huff would likely agree that his reviews aren’t really intended to guide anyone, just to ad another data point.


I agree with @ghasley too. The only way I’d demur a bit is that the word "review" helps lend credibility where essential elements of the review process -- a.k.a. honest criticism -- is missing. There is no F.D.A. approval process for this stuff, natch, but people do wind up getting misled by the lingo. Is that Huff’s fault for wanting to "monetize" (what a word) his channel? I suppose not, insofar as caveat emptor still applies. But from the standpoint of a hobbyist who wishes for the best sound for everyone, I suppose I’m made a bit sad when the process of intelligent evaluation is derailed just a little more by our contemporary P.T. Barnums wield 21st c. algorithmic technologies to make bank as they make shilling look like critical reviewing.


Well said. He makes money from clicks and he makes money from buying a piece of gear for X, shills it (hey, its likely good stuff) and then sells it for 2X. In the securities inductry, pumpr & dump is a form of this practice.

I still feel as his content has great value and could care less if he is trying to make a dollar. If he is honest about his reviews that’s all I care about. So far the gear that I have purchased on his recommendation has been stellar. I will let you know how the Billie stacks up ones I get one in house.