Best bargain find ever ?

I've just missed out on sooo many I'm curious what others have snagged. I've found some really good deals but have yet to hit the proverbial jackpot. I once got a Kenwood KD-650 TT w/granite base/ SME 3009 III/Shure V15MR MKV in immaculate condition with owner's manuals for $200.00. I also snagged a Parasound PH/P 850 Pre-Amp for $125.00 (when they were going for $450.00 new) I also once got a complete Adcom set-up GFA 545 II amp, GTP-450 Pre, GCD 600 CD Player with a pair of Paradigm Titan speakers for $400.00. How about you ?
Was wrecking a house of a 91 year old gentleman who went to live with his 60 year old son. They took everything they wanted out of the house and said we could have the rest of what was in the house. An Altec 604B and Altec 604C, Mac 225 tube amp and Mac MX113 preamp, Thorens TD111 turntable, plus a University cornerhorn speaker that sold for $550.00 new in 1958. I found a match on Ebay for $185.00 and they are used in my garage system with a 6V6 amp. They sound great with their separate horns for mid and tweeters with 15 inch woofers. Just one bluesy sound.
In my initial post, I should also have included the best bargain I got on video gear. Shortly before Christmas last year, a friend of mine gave me a tip that "" had some Panasonic PV-HS2000 "Replay TV" hard disk recorders selling for $289 (MSRP was $600). The units came with a $100 rebate, which reduced the purchase price to $189, plus $25 shipping. In addition, these units came with a permanent subscription to "Replay TV" included in the price. I've been extremely pleased with the quality of the video, and the convenience is unsurpassed.
A few years ago I picked up a set of 1500.00 Audioquest Clear speaker cables for 75.00.
In my original posting I forgot to mention on top of all the Adcom gear and Paradigm Titan speakers also included was an Alesis EQ-120 EQ, Middle Atlantic power line conditioner, a 72"(tall) Middle Atlantic 19" Rack and five steel Middle Atlantic rackmount CD storage units. This all came from someone getting out of A/V production and oh yeah all the Adcom gear came with the optional rackmount adapters. In all about five grand+ worth of stuff (new).
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