Bryston BCD-1 impressions?

Would owners of this CD player give us their impressions of its sound and performance?

Also, what they compared it with and how it stacked up against the competition?

The little press that there's been so far (a couple of paragraphs in Absolute Sound, a couple of reviews in Europe [Italy]) has been very positive, but I'm real curious to hear what Audiogoners have to say about their hands-on experiences.

All I can say is(not that it happens often)is when a component just jumps out at you without me trying to listen
or wanting to hear an improvement.
Three pieces have done that for me so far,my 50as,Torus PIU,
pcs and Bcd-1.if any cable or component degrades my music I definately won't purchase it no matter how much money it costs
or how great the reviews sound,which I have found out quite abit by trial and error(audition,audition).
Teel's negative comments posted simultaneously over three threads concerning the BCD-1, were very unhelpful.

First of all, he doesn't specify the system that the unit was auditioned it, so that we might be able to judge the synergy or lack of same, nor does he specify the conditions of the audition (in a shop for 15 minutes, at home for 48 hours??).

Secondly, he doesn't offer any breakdown of his negative opinion beyond being "not impressed". What was it that the competing units were doing better? What was it, specifically, that he didn't like about how the BCD-1 sounded? While these judgments are of course uniquely his and entirely subjective, at least they take us a little distance past the blanket "didn't like it much".
Stereophile did a bunch of jitter tests on a group of CDP
to make her short the BRYSTON BCD-1 had some of the lowest jitter readings and that was with cdps costing 3-10 times as much.I guess all those perty blue lights,hefty prices and fancy covers don't give us the most important quality

I listened to the BCD-1 in direct comparison to the Levinson 390s on a pair of higher end Aerial Acoustics speakers. I consider myself a pretty critical listener. If I was makeing a purchase that day I would have picked the Bryston. I was really trying to listen for a big difference in sound, but I didn't hear any. The Levinson may have had a little more air around the sound but the Bryston was brand new and a lot less money.
I compared bcd1 with pathos digit,and meridian G08.2,had rotel 1072 before that.I liked it more,and bought it,have not look back since.Guess its all about the personal taste and synergy with rest of the system.In MHO,it seems to me that people who are not impressed with it just have no good system enaugh to actuallly hear it,and it could sound sharp to them.I listen jazz,have entry level system,krell kav 400,sonus faber grand pianos home,all wired with cardas golden reference speaker and xlr cables.Also I use running springs dmitri conditioner with mongoose cable,and two nordost valhallas power cords for amp and cd.Realy big changes and improvments can be made with power cords,but again,its matter of personal taste.