What speakers have you mistakenly let go and then later repurchased?

Or maybe wished you wouldn't have sold? 


I have to apologize to the op for going off in a different direction on my previous post. For the record, I’ve had three pairs of the CS 3.5 Thiels; my nephew has my first pair, the other pairs I sold off here and elsewhere for a number of misguided reasons. I had Thiel CS 2.2 and CS 2.3 prior to the CS 3.5 - and up until the 3.5 each was a step in the right direction. The 2.3 improved upon the 2.2, the 3.5 vastly improved upon them both.

I sold my last pair of the 3.5 to fund the purchase of the CS 3.6, assuming that the difference between them and the 3.5 would be equally significant to my previous experiences moving up the Thiel food chain. The thing that the 3.5 does so well is present everything at low volume, while the 3.6 managed to achieve that only at volume levels that I just don’t listen at. Anymore, anyways.

I think that I sold off my pairs of MMG to fund a Thiel purchase. Now that I’m back with them I know I’ll be holding onto them. I’m awaiting a pair of Magna-Riser aborne stands for them as I write this  At the moment I have them raised up three inches on a pair of maple amp stands that I never really need because the 6+ foot wide Salamander cabinet where my stuff sits is pretty dense enough. 

I know I’ve said this before, but I’m hanging onto my MMG. 



Reference 3A de Capo-I's. Had a beautiful cherry set that I sold when I moved to Acoustic Zen Adagios. Seven years and six sets of speakers later, I saw a pair in maple show up and I couldn't resist. They're now ensconced in my new, smaller listening room and I'm so happy with the sound that is as good as I remember.