Uneven sound comiing from my B&W DM630s


I recently noticed that the sound coming from my left speaker is more prevalent than the right.  I'm currently using the B&W's with a Mid 80's 50 watt Denon receiver and a new Technics 1500C Turntable.

So, I switched the cables going to the Denon and the sound is much more even.

Does this sound like a receiver issue?

I'd appreciate any suggestions/help.



I tried it twice.  It sounds about the same.

It's subtle, but annoying.

Is it possible that it's the recording?

Thanks again for your help it's very much appreciated.

I asked an audiophile store what I should do and they said to turn power off overnight.

I'll try it.


Hey, I tried switching from the Technics Turntable to the Marantz CD player and the speakers sounds perfect.

Sounds like it's the new turntable right?