Like many things in this hobby, there does not seem to be a clear-cut performance hierarchy between TVCs, AVCs, volume pots, and discrete resistor switches/arrays. The reviews I have read of TVC and AVC offerings mostly paint them as nothing short of the crème-de-la-crème of preamplification. Reviews of EM/IA, Townshend, Music First, icOn, and Bespoke are all extremely positive. On the other side of the coin, I have read about their susceptibility to ringing, as discussed earlier in this thread, and possible difficulties processing complex, dynamic music. The many positive reviews left me intrigued enough to look at trying an AVC or TVC preamp for myself.
I have the icOn 4PRO balanced preamp here now. It is a Model 4b, which is fully balanced, including 4 Slagle autoformers, and offers both balanced (XLR) and single-ended (RCA) inputs and outputs. Functionally, it seems to be at the top of the pile of TVC/AVC preamps in that it offers fully balanced processing of the signal, remote control of inputs, outputs, balance, mute, and volume, and a very nice segmental display that is the easiest to read of any I have owned. Sonically, most of the reviews I have read are hesitant to call out significant differences between the better known options such as S&B TVCs, Slagle AVCs, or even the Bespoke TVCs. There does seem to be a clear preference (by many but not all) for silver wired TVCs or AVCs, which cost about twice as much.
I initially thought I would probably like the icOn as a passive volume control in front of my SMc Audio unity-gain buffer (using a Hatter discrete resistor passive preamp in that role now), but surprisingly the icOn seems to sound better as a stand-alone preamp connected directly to my amplifiers. Even though it has RCA inputs and outputs, in my system I seem to like the sound best when using the balanced inputs and outputs. One nice feature is that you can select which output (or both) are live, so I use the balanced outputs for my main amps and the RCA outputs for my two subs. Since I have only had the icOn here about a week, my final subjective assessment compared to the Hattor/SMc combination will have to wait, but I can say that the icOn sounds good. However, based on what I have heard so far, I suspect it will be a close call on which I ultimately like better in my system and for the music I listen to.