Audio Research i/50

Hey folks!


Thinking to get one of these beauties for my main system paired with either a Zu DW or a Klipsch Forte/Cornwall. With the phono and DAC modules for my Lumin streamer and VPI tt.

Any experience?

Thanks in advance!


I've had a good deal of MacIntosh gear (although never a 252). Good quality stuff, looks great (which is of course in the eye of the beholder), sounds good. It's real magic is resale; buy it right and you can use it for a year and sell it for the same as you paid or even more.

Can say many of the same things for ARC. Good quality stuff, looks great, resale is good (although not as good as Mac gear). It does however, sound better. Much better, at least to my ears. YMMV

The point of all of this is to enjoy the journey.


"I've had a good deal of MacIntosh gear"

Still having a hard time spelling it though?

what speakers should be good for i/50, Zu Omen or Forte/Cornwall IV? And How Would U describe ARC sound?

btw, my amps are INT-25 and Dueundici.


Can say many of the same things for ARC. Good quality stuff, looks great, resale is good (although not as good as Mac gear).

I have just started looking into the purchase of ARC gear and thought this also regarding good resale values.  I don’t know whether or not ARC dealers sell new products with a discount off MSRP or maybe it’s the economy.  I mention this because I was surprised to see it appeared that much of the relatively new but not current model used ARC gear was listed at around 40%-45% off MSRP.  And ARC does come out with new models rather often, but fortunately appears to offer updates of previous models, but I guess this isn’t all that helpful resale wise.