Audio Research i/50

Hey folks!


Thinking to get one of these beauties for my main system paired with either a Zu DW or a Klipsch Forte/Cornwall. With the phono and DAC modules for my Lumin streamer and VPI tt.

Any experience?

Thanks in advance!


I think it is a very safe bet that ARC's DAC module will deliver top level performance. Remember that without the power supply, output stage, and casework to expend resources/cost/labor upon, ARC can devote a much greater percentage of that cost to the DAC itself. ARC's past DAC's have been state of the art so....

It won't be up to the level of their stand-alone DAC's but likely not far off. 

Cannot wait to put my hands on it, haven’t been so excited till I bought my O/93 speakers and Pass Labs.

I own an Audio Research DAC (ARC Reference CD9SE). For some reason, I just never thought of ARC when it comes to DACs. Until my dealer brought one over. I was not in the market… 30 seconds after I put it in I texted him to tell him to order me one… then I had the job of figuring out how to find the money. 

Since then, I had a Berkeley Alpha Reference 3 in my system. Both absolutely outstanding DACs. I was expecting to have to cough up another $5K to get the Berkeley. I was really surprised to find them virtually identical with an ever so slight (tiny) warmer more natural sound for the ARC and a slight (minuscule) more detail in the Berkeley. If they were the same price I still would have chosen the ARC. 

I’m gonna give you another alternative. I have heard the i50and it punches beyond its build.

There was one major reason I didn’t end up with it: even with all of its color iterations, I could not stand the looks of it. I got the vsi75 instead which in my mind, just sounded "bigger" and more pleasing to my eye. There is a shop (Paragon) selling the 75 for $5995 plus $74 shipping.

When ARC announced the discontinuation of this integrated, this owner bought a dozen of these things. It does not auto bias but I consider this not a big deal in the least as it is so easy to do it’s like eating oatmeal. They even give you the plastic screw driver. It also does not have a phono stage but you’re almost better off as it gives you the opportunity to get a separate piece that is usually better than what they stuff in an integrated, You can get a real nice one for under a $1000.

When the 75 first came out, they were $7500. As they rave reviews started coming in, they went to $8000. then $8500, then $9500 and capped at $10,000 and all ARC did along the way was reconfigure tube selection to the eventual K150's. 

You won’t be sorry with its selection as it pushes all of my buttons of immense sound stage, clarity, truth of timbre, presence of production, and dead quiet between the notes which is more important than people realize as this element serves as a spring board to the initial transients of the next notes that makes things sound accurate and lifelike.