When using a DAC does the cd player really matter?

Is there a difference between a relatively inexpensive cd player versus one that costs much more. All you are doing is feeding a digital signal that will be transformed by the outboard DAC, right? Or am i missing something?
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It also assumes that the transfer of bits from CD to hard disc was perfect, i.e. bit for bit and error corrected and that the reading of the data from the hard-drive is perfect. These are much better assumptions than assuming that your CDP reads every bit perfectly every time. Back to the original question, the lower the jitter that is sent to the DAC, the less jitter out of the DAC. The more jitter-free the transport, the lower the overall jitter in the signal passed to the pre-amp. Is it audible? Only you will know. Some say yes, some say no.
i agree with the jitter issue. i use a jitter reduction/remover device on all my setups before the external dacs. very big improvement.
05-25-08: Rbstehno
i agree with the jitter issue. i use a jitter reduction/remover device on all my setups before the external dacs. very big improvement.

Rbstehno, what jitter removal devices do you use on your system?
i use a couple different ones. i have a few audio alchemy dti devices and a couple monarchy DIP's. i like the monarchy DIP better but they are harder to come by. i also use the audio alchemy DDE in my family room, adcom gda-700 dac in my den and the manley dac in my dedicated audio room.