I think it's up to system synergy - some speakers match solids, while other match tubes. Clashing of egos and disappointment happens when people do not understand this, and think you can go on the dance floor in a heavy diver's gear, assuming that because it has binding posts you can hook it up to anything and live happily forever.
Also, it depends what one wants, what sort of representation: a more mechanical or a more humane view, a 3rd person or a first person observer effect.
Plus, there's fine SS and trash SS, and there's fine tubes and trash tube gear.... like the karateka or the MMA fighter will win. (The better prepared fighter will win, regardless the background.)
In addition, tastes change over time. Younger people are usually happy with solid states, and as their habits and listening skills mature they go for tubes. If the listening skills decline (hearing damage - a case for most men over 50) then solids will stay as a more wide-spread option. However, my hard-core audio friends (20+ people) have almost all made the transition to a predominantly tube system during our shared 20-30+ years of audio journey. Maybe that tells something.