Tough amp decision

Hi everyone. Much appreciate the forum’s help in the past and have a tough amp decision coming up. I will make a big investment in electronics soon. My system has Qutest DAC, ARC LS25 II tube preamp, Adcom GSA 555 II amp. Speakers are Celestion 750se or B&W 803 matrix series II ($35 Habitat for Humanity!).Also getting into and really enjoying vinyl, Old Kenwood turntable and Bellari 129 phono preamp. I have my old record collection of about 2K albums so in the long run this will matter. The question: To upgrade I will audition two Mac integrateds: MA 8950, MA 352. Should I instead buy an amp (eg MC312, MC462 or Parasound JC5)? MA 8950 hits a lot of birds, with phonostage and DAC it would free up a lot of components for a second system, but top priority should be one with great sound. Tunes have helped the sharp, “hot” nature of the B and W. If I wait to audition amps I lose a chance to get the 8950 for 6.5K.  A lot of variables to ask you about, but that is the decision. Thanks a lot for you help!


Thanks much. Comments and discussion has me being more careful, rather than jumping on the deal for the used 8950. Reviews seem to indicate the included DAC is not as good as my Qutest, and that I can do better with a separate phono stage. The 8950 has a pre to power amp jumper so during audition should be able to try my tube LS25 pre with the power amp section of the 8950. Thanks for all the helpful discussion. 

Also seems the Parasound JC5 might be a good choice. I like classical music and also some rock and jazz. Reviews indicate JC5 could be better for instrument timbres and soundstage. Said to have better bass dynamics too. 

You have an excellent preamp. Just get a better amp. Also, don’t expect the McIntosh internal dac to be as good as the Qutest.