
I have been shopping for a ref75se or ref150se for awhile and have noticed either they get sold pretty quickly, or are on the market for awhile.

I have been in snooze you lose situations, but am hesitant to pull the trigger on one because of it being unsold for quite some time.

Just would like to know from the experience here on the forum what you all think.


Glad I bought the black one 😁 You’re going to love this amp.


Wanna trade??👍

@skids Congratulations on your purchase.

Color choice of course varies.  If I had a black one I would definitely trade for silver.  

I think the silver looks way smart.

I believe it ties a lot to the fickle nature of the audiophile market.  I personally have a REF75SE, sold it, missed it terribly, and went to buy a replacement as soon as one became available.  From the audiogon listing to sale lasted less than 1 day.  Of course, pricing things realistically (thank you audiogon blue book) makes a big difference.  So if you have buyer waiting for something to hit the market, a sale can be very quick. If not (especially given the price of a lot of the gear here plus some economic uncertainty) than things can sit.  And sit. And sit.

what does amaze me is when something sits for quite a while and seller won’t budge on price.  Somewhere many moons ago I read something about “supply and demand.”