recommendation of amps

Just looking for a little guidance. Starting to look for an AMP.  Most likely solid state. I listen to R&R only, high 80's low 90's    Room 13x14 bathroom to one side hallway to another, normal furnishings, wood floors.  Speakers, Fritz carbon 7se bookshelf, SVS SB3000 Sub, Currently Peachtree amp 500 running system (not Bad)  Benchmark Dac 3B and LA-4 Benchmark Line Amp, Audiolab 6000 CD Transport, Everything Balanced, with the exception of the Transport. Stream Qobuz also. System sounds really good. Just looking for a TOP SHELF AMP.  Budget maybe 6-7 k new or used, (Less preferred)  Prefer new with warranty???  Have a ATI AMP 6002 in main system, in another room, much bigger room, and kicks ass, in every regard. Would like something different (maybe)  Current set up feels a little neutral, and analytical,   maybe looking for something a little warmer.  Have been looking at a used Pass Labs 250.8  for example     Maybe a little overkill though? Always a little nervous over tubes (scared even) Afraid of NOT ENOUGH JUICE to listen at my levels.  Very open to your suggestions. Thanks as always     Robert TN


Thanks again to all for your GREAT suggestions. I couldn't ask for more, THANKS

Not necessarily in this order, but, am going to SERIOUSLY look at (at least at this starting point) The Van Alstine dva m 225 mono's, I've seen listed somewhere a used JC5 and JC1's (not plus models) very interested in the Pass Stuff, 30.5 /.8 and maybe the 250.8 model also may look at the Magnus Audio amps, Sanders Magtech. Looking forward to the research. Thanks again, Robert  PS   If  anyone runs into a deal on any of these; that they don't want or timing isn't right, please let me know. Hopefully finances will allow???


These DVAM225's posted on US Audio Mart earlier in the week

Not sure if they've sold or not but here's the link


IN the $6-7K range look for an FM Acoustic.  They do not sound SS.  Other options Counterpoint, HK, Spectral and have them modified.  Then you will have a refence quality component.

@robshaw Sanders sells used Magtechs for $4k with 1-year warranty. I got the amp from him to use with the LA4 preamp and Magnepan LRS+ speakers. Sanders even gave me a 30-day home trial period. I told him I was keeping the amp after 2 days. It is a great amp with my LRS+.

Only issue for me with the Sanders is that it does not have a Stand By power switch. I have 2 amps connected to my LA4 and this means I need to hard switch off the Sanders when I use my headphone amp, a Schitt Aegir. 

Given that you’re all balanced, perhaps look at Van Alstine DVA M225 mono amps.
