Class D with high efficiency speakers

I'm currently running PS Audio BHK Pre / Atma-Sphere S30 Mk3 OTL into Avantgarde Duo Omega horns (107dB/W 16ohms). I've been very happy with the sound of the OTL's the past 12 years and since retiring have been listening to my system throughout the day as well as evening. This is obviously impacting valve life (although Atma-Sphere amps seem very kind on valves) and my electricity bill.

I'm therefore keen to explore whether any of the new Class D amps would be a suitable match in my system.

I've seen a lot of reviews where Class D amps are feeding low efficiency / low impedance speakers and I can see the benefit of their ability to supply current etc.

My question is, does anyone have any experience of running a new Class D GaNFET amp into high efficiency / high impedance speakers?


I just hooked up my Zu Omen MKII's to my Orchard Audio Starkrimson Ultra GaN FeT amplifier. I use Audio Physics classic 20's with the Orchard amp. These are just my thoughts listening for about 20 minutes right now. Preamp is Schiit Freya +. The Zu's are 97db 12 ohm. I usually use my Zu's with the Willsenton R8, 25 watts in triode mode. They sound pretty good so far. Bass is more impactful but not sloppy. Overall, the music has more authority.  No problems handling the power of the Starkrimson amplifier. Zu says their speaker can be used with all types of amps, low power or high power. I would probably have to fiddle around with speaker cables to properly tune it 100% to my liking.


Few more minutes gone by. I'm digging it. I'm not an expert but I can say go for it.  Whichever brand you decide to go for you should be fine.

I've decided to try the AGD Audion monoblocks. I have them on order now and will give some feedback once they arrive.

Efficient amps and efficient speakers, sounds like a fabulous combination and it is.