I have always been curious about Vandy speakers because they consistently get great reviews. All Models it seems.
Therefore, is it worth buying any of the higher end models? Or just buy the 2Ce sig 3 and be done? Are the Treo TC or the Quatro worth the money? Anyone heard all 3, or 2 of these 3 and made a comparison?
It depends on what you want. If you want more bass then you need a sub or to move north of the Treos.
The Treos are way more expensive that a 2C, but the WAF ends up with them usually saying get the Treos.
There are so many factors it is not just an easy answer.
I am not a card-carrying fanboy, blindly loyal, but I have found Vandys to be speakers I can live with for a long time, and I don’t have the money to scratch every itch and jump from brand to brand. Vandys are extremely musical, for lack of a better term, and let you forget about them and just enjoy the music. For me, that is the goal. GOOD LUCK!
The pair in front of me were purchased in ‘84.
I’ve been watching the TV with them more lately as the TT is being rehabilitated.
I forget that they are there.