Legacy Wavelet as Preamp/DAC/DSP vs just DSP

I am upgrading from a Legacy Focus SE to a Legacy Aeris and Wavelet system. Many folks tend to use the Wavelet as an all in one and end up walking away from thei preamp and DAC separates. I’m skeptical of doing that, as I love my PS Audio Directstream DAC and Modwright LS 36.5 DM preamp. I can’t imagine the Wavelet would beat those.

I’d love to hear others’ journeys with the Wavelet. Did you find it bested your preamp and DAC? Did you end up using it just for your DSP? What preamp, DAC and cables did you use it with, and what did the A/B tests reveal?

Also, has anyone used it only to process the bass section only and used the rest of the output straight from the preamp? Is that even possible?
Thanks for sharing. 

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FWIW, for anyone else interested in going with an outboard linear PSU for the Wavelet, here are some options I have found:

1. Keces P8 PSU plus custom umbilical made by Ghent Audio. Ghent makes excellent cables, and he is fabbing one for me with a 2.5mm tip on one end for the Keces, and a 5-pin Neutrik XLR on the other for the Wavelet. We’ll see how that works; I like Keces, and have good success with them powering a number of devices.

2. Plixir Power Elite BDC, with custom umbilical cord. James Soh there is very helpful. I’ve been looking forward to trying a Plixir product, and while it’s not the balanced power supply I thought I would first try, this is a good start. Their products have received some very nice reviews. James features several use-case-specific versions of the BDC on his website, and I have suggested he list one for the Wavelet as well. Given our hobby’s obsession with improving every last detail of a system, I would not be surprised to find other Wavelet owners interested. And being able to source this option from one vendor, as opposed to two, might be advantageous.

3. HDPlex 300W PSU plus a custom umbilical made by Revelation Audio Labs. This is the combo in zephyr24069’s system. Brad Vojtech of Revelation is superb to work with. Some—though probably no one here—might find his cable is a tad pricey at $349 for 1.5m. Unfortunately, I have never been able to purchase an HDPlex PSU, though I have tried at least 5 times over the past couple of years. They have always been out of stock, and when they have become available, I have already found other solutions.
Anyway, I hope this helps.
@meambler sorry for the late reply, but I sold my Focus SE to be able to acquire my Aeris. Good luck on getting one. It is a great speaker.

Hey, dies_irae, your post re outboard PSU is exactly what i needed for my new Aeris/Wavelet setup.  I’m gonna try to track down the HDPlex 300 plus the Revelation cable.  I’ll let you know if I have success.  Thanks for posting.

thanks, steve.  really interesting stuff.  don’t know the reviewer, but he has certainly surfaced some good options.  my biggest concern is really availability (ala HDPlex) and having somebody reliable provide a simple umbilical solution.  will be talking to the Plixir folks, who might be a good one-stop option.  will let you know where I end up.