@pindac has hit the nail on the head surely the point is the enjoyment of music.
I don't know about anyone else but when I buy a new piece of equipment I don't give a stuff about the theories, the equations, the technical specifications, the measured performance etc, all I am interested in is does it engage me in the music more that the piece of equipment it is replacing, whilst still fulfilling the usual hifi criteria. If it ticks these boxes then funds permitting I buy it.
This is exactly what the Viv Labs did and why I bought it over a Kuzma 4point, Kuzma 313ref.
So I say to @rauliruegas and @mijostyn if you get the opportunity please have an objective listen to a Viv Labs and put all the theories, equations etc to one side. If it doesn't float your boat then fine.
Please do not try to say those people who have bought a Viv Labs and are enjoying it have been taken advantage of and that the retailer's are purveyors of snake oil, as that is just patronising and derogatory, which I would have hoped was beneath you, but obviously not.