Hello Guys,

I am planning to upgrade my existing power conditioning, presently using old Richard Grey 400S unit. Over the years I upgraded almost everything in my system, except 400S unit. I am willing to spend up to $1500. Any recommendation for a great conditioner?




So, when others use the word “proprietary “, or ask us to believe their explanation of how their equipment works, we are suppose to doubt them and simply go to your system page…really? Can we distrust them and distrust you?

I think that the most challenging aspect of conditioner design is to allow high power amplifiers to use their isolated circuit without loss of dynamics. There is a reason that many companies, like McIntosh, recommend that their power amplifiers be plugged directly into the wall.

we have sold most major brands of power conditioners the best you can get rof close to your price range is an isotek Aquarius thei so units isolate noisy digital components from analog ones while filtering broadband noise from components 


Dave and troy

Audio intellect  nj

Furman with LiFT and SMP are my standards.  They have actual noise reduction well down into the audible range, not just RFI/EMI.  Also, if you search for "Furman voltage regulator" you can usually get their top of the line units super cheap with extra iron to keep voltages stable.


Now that's kind of a strange recommendation. Not using a power conditioner with audio gear.

Check this page out: A power conditioner is a device used to...

The unit that I am using does all of these things and more. That's why why I use it every day. Had mine for a year now with no problems at all. And they've got a 10 year warranty. I'm actually being serious.

You can choose to believe what you want. Me making a suggestion to you or anyone else does not mean that I am asking you to trust me, and distrust the rest of the world. Why jump to conclusions before trying something in the first place? (in this case, a power conditioner).

mastering92 did your enter button get stuck? All the blank space is extremely annoying. No one wants to be that annoying.