Hello Guys,

I am planning to upgrade my existing power conditioning, presently using old Richard Grey 400S unit. Over the years I upgraded almost everything in my system, except 400S unit. I am willing to spend up to $1500. Any recommendation for a great conditioner?




Now that's kind of a strange recommendation. Not using a power conditioner with audio gear.

Check this page out: A power conditioner is a device used to...

The unit that I am using does all of these things and more. That's why why I use it every day. Had mine for a year now with no problems at all. And they've got a 10 year warranty. I'm actually being serious.

You can choose to believe what you want. Me making a suggestion to you or anyone else does not mean that I am asking you to trust me, and distrust the rest of the world. Why jump to conclusions before trying something in the first place? (in this case, a power conditioner).

mastering92 did your enter button get stuck? All the blank space is extremely annoying. No one wants to be that annoying.

Also got mine from Sweetwater, but the PG-2 unit made by Black Lion Audio in Chicago. A very well regarded company in the world of studios. Great unit for about $300. Works well in my system, excellent connectivity, no less than 14 outlets, which I need, sadly. 

Plixir conditionners are the only one I heard that didn’t affect dynamic.


don’t know how much power you need so it might or might not be in your price range.


I use a plixir 400 to power my Router/Switch/Streamer/Dac and each components benefit in a non-subtle way from the Plixir. Especially the DAC ( Lampizator) sounds magical with the Plixir


You seem to be someone with a good deal of experience in this industry. Ignoring price, what technologies are truly useful when considering power cables, conditioners and power plant like products?  Perhaps, this is an unfair question to ask, but I thought that I would ask.