Esoteric's G-03x Master Clock Generator

Hi guys,

Anyone here by chance tried these on their esoteric cd player ?

is it worth paying $4,000 fr this device ?

What improvements can be brought about with this unit ?

Thinking of this for use with the X-03 SE in the future.

Does high quality BNC digital cable make an audible difference ?

Thanks for inputs.

07-05-08: Bugman03
I purchased the G-ORb clock about a month ago to go with my Esoteric P5/D5. This clock makes a huge improvement in the clarity and musicality. This clock costs as much as the P5 and D5 and I am very pleased with it so for me it is worth the cost. I have never listened to the less expensive clock so I can't comment on it. If the clock has nothing to do with jitter then wny does it improve the quality of the sound so much?

Agreed. I have listened to the P5/D5 with and without the master clock generator. The performance increase with the clock is easy to perceive.
I am looking into the possibility of a P03-D03 combination and a dealer quoted them with the G-Orb clock, saying it was the best digital sound he had ever heard. When I talked to an Esoteric rep and asked about the sonic differences between the G-0rb and G-03x, as I have heard neither, he opined that there was a much greater difference between clock/no-clock than between the 2. I really appreciate the discussion above as I am learning quite a lot about clocks, which I never realized were so important. I also realize that 2 people will listen to the same presentation and hear different things. My best option, as I know, is to hear them for myself, preferably in my own system. The starting point is to just HEAR THEM, which I hope to do at RMAF in October. Thanks again folks for your informative and enlightening discussion.
I realize that this thread hasn't been replied to for a long time but I wanted to comment. I have been into audio for longer than I care to mention. I've owned KEF, B&W, Quad, SOTA, Linn, ARC, CJ, Theil, Pass Labs, etc. System price tags have ranged from $100 to over $80k.

My current system: Wilson Watt Puppy 8, Accuphase A-50V amp, Accuphase C-390 preamp, Accuphase T-109V, Esoteric P-05 and Esoteric D-05. Good but not overly expensive cables.

This is a very solid sounding system with little or no listener fatigue. Bass definition, sound stage, mid-range clarity, etc is very very good.

I recently took the opportunity to purchase the lesser priced word clock from Esoteric, the G-03x (used). It is wonderfully built, easy to connect and more importantly, superb in the added differences it made to my systems sound.

Bass definition - I didn't think it could get better than the combination of the WP8s, Accupahse amp and P-05/D-05 - I was wrong! The bass definition got even better with the word clock - Outstanding, articulate, defined, deep and tight. Zero bloat here..

Sound stage - huge improvement. Wide, airy, deep, incredible.

Highs - even my 55 year old ears can pickup on the subtle detail changes wrought by the G-03x. Highs are smoother, more natural, more three dimensional.

Overall system changes - as good as the system sounded before the word clock the system is now more natural and effortless sounding. Instead of thinking "damn that sounds great" I think about the person singing the song, picturing them behind the mike, etc.

The G-03x made a large improvement to an already excellent sounding system. Good stuff...

Thanks for your detail report! I am considering to buy the G-03X again...

I used to have one to pair with my X-03SE, the improvements were very similar to the areas that you have mentioned.

Now as a pround owner of the latest K-01, I am thinking to get the G-03X (can't afford G-0Rb). I hope it will do something to my K-01.

Any K-01/03 users here would like to share your opinions?
Hermanz3, I would suggest first contacting Esoteric directly to find out whether the G-03X clock would actually offer an improvement to the K-01's internal clock circuit. They have the clock specs for every one of their products and it is therefore pretty simple to determine if it would make a significant difference when mated to the K-01. Enjoy your K-01, I hear that it is an exceptional piece of gear!