What sound diff. can I expect from PrimaLuna EVO 400 pre and power amps VS an EVO400 int.

I like the tube sound. How much better will the sound of an EVO 400pre and EVO 400 power amp setup be than that I would get from their EVO 400 integrated amp?  (I like classical (the 1400s -1900s music) and soft Jaz.). I am into vinyl and CDs on occasion  I just wonder if the expense is worth an empty bank account, or if it would be noticeable.

Also, is the PrinaLuna phono stage for MC cartridges any good?

Another option is the EVO 400 preamp and a solid-state amp.  Any thoughts?



Going separates will get the last bit of refinement the integrated can’t produce.

Integrated if you just want to enjoy good sound and not be neurotic about audio.

Speaker choice and placement will make or break your expectations.

The phonostage will handle a high output 2.5volt MC. Get a separate phonostage, if you’re serious about LP playback.

Longtime PL user.

IIRC when I asked Upscale this question in 2021 when I bought my 300 Evo Integrated the reply I got was that is was something like a 15-20% sound improvement for separates - for about double the price.