@asmithkash , welcome back to the game! If you want a theater room you will want a 5.1 system minimum with a Denon receiver.
Step 1- Check out the dolby specs on speaker placement and follow the angles recommended to a T.
2) Decide if you want an atmos based theater and get B&W surround and height channels that are timber matched.
3) Get the Audyssey Multi-X upgrade for the Denon and calibrated mike after you finish treating your room and calibrate.
4) Get a good streamer, there are many threads here on that topic.
Post some pics of your room in the virtual system area and you will be rocking soon. Do NOT buy any additional amps until you do the above. The system will sound different after setup and calibration than it does now, best to wait.
You can see my system and measurements on the virtual system page in my profile.