Made in USA

I love to support USA products as much as I can. Even if it costs more. Id say 2nd choice Europe or Japan. Last place China.

So USA made HiFi products I have are... Magnepan, Odyssey, Geshelli, Rythmik, Schitt, Bluejean, Belden, Analog Productions( vinyl). Musichall & Monitor Audio (UK), Nagaoka, Magomi(Japan), 

Other USA made HiFi I know of.. Kilpsch (high end speakers), Jeff Rowland, P.S. Audio, Emotiva?

Im sure there are more. Please continue list and lets support our own.


Huge topic, I’ll chime in, not going to argue after this, just a point of view.

I take the long view: One World.

The history of Nationalism ain’t good.

Tarrifs!!!!!! Protect OUR businesses!

How things change.

Age 6, 1954, We all had cheap toys, the kind with thin soft metal parts with slots and tabs. You assembled the toy by putting the tabs thru the slots and bending the metal over to keep it in the slot. Eventually you had a car, truck, star, whatever.

A small gang of young men walked by one day and said: Those toys are made by the enemy! 6 yrs old, huh?

1959, impressionable age 11, living in McClean VA., lots of military lived in towns near Wash. DC. Any time a Volkswagen drove by, someone a bit older would mutter, made by the enemy! Or, someone my age, having been influenced by their parents.

And now, many prefer made in Japan and made in Germany to made China.

Read the long history of China, Hawaii, Cuba, Vietnam, Panama, Philippines ...., Religious Zealots, Sugar, Bananas, Coaling Stations, Sponsorship of Coups,

You might consider the inter-relationships of European Monarchs to the Organization of the Mafia. And European Wars to Mafia Wars.

What England and USA did to China in the Opium Wars, in the name of: you guessed it: Markets for our goods!

At that time, who were the enemy of the Chinese? They sure trade with the enemy!

Who created North/South Korea? North/South Vietnam?

How were so many country’s future FOREVER changed by our actions?

Who got the Chinese population off opium?

Not a debate, just a point of view, I'll say no more.



Marantz and NAD....not sure about them or ML subs.


FWIW, I've had GREAT Chinese  products too.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Mine is I prefer to buy audio gear that appeals to me, regardless of country of manufacture.

To each his own.


All true.. globalization is a fact and I doubt that anyone really believes that all components within their amplifiers come from the country of origin declared on the box. Buy American is an imperfect notion. I don’t believe it is so much jingoistic as it is a suggestion to support employment for your neighbor.

Regarding Chinese hate…. I don’t believe that rational individuals hate Chinese. The anti-Chinese is mostly anti-CCP. Do we make a distinction between Apple and Huawei? I do…. In the past I avoided Huawei phones.  I sure hope that Apple proves to be a better employer upon moving operations to India.  I don’t view my purchase of Holo equipment any different than the purchase of Audionet, or MSL. That said, if purchasing today, I would have given the PS Audio Perfectwave DAC II a try, rather than ordering a Holo May DAC. Again, an imperfect choice. PS Audio has postponed their Airlens launch and I believe it is due to inability to source components and as mentioned above, it is doubtful that the components are US sourced.

I want my local business community to thrive, so I choose to dine at restaurants in my small town. Does this mean that I don’t eat elsewhere…no.

besides where it's made, there is where it's designed, where it's owned, where it pays taxes/avoids to pay taxes, where patents are owned, where the parts are made, where the source of the parts are mined, etc.

Being from a country that has sunk to the "assembly country" level from the highest Noble prizes per capita era,  I feel it yields much better dividends to invent, design and own products than to lego them together while your eyes are falling out. (and yes I know little about the manufacturing process)   

Also quantity-wise, the brands of 98% of audio products sold today are never mentioned in this forum. I doubt they are made anywhere outside southeast Asia