Sound quality of new vinyl recordings.

I would like to get back to vinyl. I have not heard any new vinyl yet but I question the sound quality and I hope someone can help as I have not yet found the answer to my question. Are new vinyl recordings from original analog source or are they just copying digital onto vinyl. If there are both out there what do I look for to tell the difference before I buy


@grislybutter     Do you mean 7 inch EPs?  (extended play).  The Beatles issued quite a few in the early-mid 60s.  They were mono, as I recall.  I had most of them at the time, gone now I think my brother has them.  They played well but were a bit flat at the frequency extremes.  But then my father's record player wasn't up to today's standards (Garrard, then Goldring Lenco - he was into hi-fi).  Mono cartridge with stylus as fat as you like.

The Beatles were lucky.  Their contract was with EMI.  The Stones were luckier - Decca.  My original UK 'Aftermath' has great sound by any standard.  And nearly 30 minutes per side for goodness sake.  Of course Decca famously turned down the Beatles in 1961.

@clearthinker they are regular 12". Mostly from Yugoslavia. 

I'd be happy with EMI :)

Lenco is a great band. My first turntable was Akai. As my story goes, I didn't have money for a turntable until I was 22. But I had an album collection before that, for 2 years, about 30, from my high school friend who needed money and sold it all for a small amount of money. I browsed and looked at my albums for 2 years before I could listen to them. I didn't mind, it was a luxury back then, most people couldn't afford more than 2 or 3 LPs a year!  

I am still chasing a few Stones albums from the 60s of course.


Sorry. I read 6 " as 6 inch.  My mistake!

I am lucky and have nearly all the 60s Beatles LPs as original UK pressings.  They are mostly good, but the MoFi are a noticeable improvment.  I only have three of those.

I would like to buy the earlier Stones albums too, but everyone knows they're good and I won't pay the price.

I bought a Connoisseur turntable kit in 1969, £8.99 as I recall and a second hand SME 12 inch, only about £12 - wow..  I built a wooden plinth.  I sold the SME about 30 years ago for £65, to a Japanese, and they are hundreds and hundreds now.  When my father died 10 years ago, I sold his 9 inch SME for nearly £200.  He still had the Lenco and I gave it to a thrift shop.


wow, lots of great antique turntables!

one more funny story: we grew up on a book called the Beatles Bible. It was written by an English professor who was allowed to travel to the West so he must have had "information".

I read it probably more than 5 times. It was about the Beatles, chronologically, their story with a lot of interviews and quotes.

It turns out, half of it was made up, most facts were questionable. The dude could write anything, nobody would know. How weird!

@randym860 - there are a lot of good turntables in your price range; I've got a Technics SL-1200G that's right in there and I've been very happy with it....