Burt Bacharach has passed away

Another sad day.  What a talent.

R.I.P. Burt...thanks for the wonderful tunes!!!



Yeah, I just saw this. How sad, but 94 is a darn good run!

 I can’t count the number of tunes he gave us.

As a kid in the late 60's/early 70's, it seemed like every non R&R pop song on the radio was a song  written by Burt Bacharach.

The Dionne Warwick/Bacharach albums were always on rotation in the big Grundig console.

Songwriters of his caliber are non existent.

94-definitely a good run, since he was still mentally sharp.

An outstanding artist and composer. Responsible for a surplus of superb tunes. An archetype of his era. All I can say is that, even when I was playing in a punk/new wave band, I'd still listen to Bacharach.