Do I need 10 gauge power cord if I have 10 gauge from panel?

I just installed some dedicated circuits with 10 gauge electrical wire. But now I have to consider replacing my amp power cords because they are 14 gauge or higher.

Is this really necessary and any recommendations on quality 10 gauge power cords that I should buy?


It's not about having enough power for the speakers. It's about improving on the sonic benefit of a higher gauge Power cord. Mackintosh is a bit narrow viewed on this issue. Very perplexing

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I found this an interesting thread. Has anyone else besides me looked in their power amps to see what was the size of the power cable to the on off switch? On my Conrad Johnson Premier 4 it appeared to be #14 wire. The wire to the power transformer was the same. Seems to me if this superlative amp can hit instantaneous crescendos without those puny 14 gauge wires acting as fuses, then perhaps we have an incomplete understanding of the physics/science. I have 12 gauge wire feeding my power and pre-amp both. It has met my standards for excellent sound. 

As my teeny tiny brain tries to absorb everything in this thread I am left with an additional question.

I use a power conditioner, a transparent power isolator, and I wonder what the internal wire gauge is to the various outlets on the back of this device that I plug into.

To me this seems like a really good spec that no one talks about. Why is this?  Maybe Tucker Carlson can shed some light on this.




If the tiny weeny wire in the fuse can handle 10amps, why can't a 14 gauge cable.