Ozzy is done



It was clear he has Parkinson’s decades ago. I watched my grandfather deteriorate over time with this disease. He talked about how he was seeing stars and outer space. Not a good way to go. Brain literally turns into sand.

Growing up, Black Sabbath was ubiquitous as was Led Zeppelin and early Aerosmith but I wasn't a big fan. So I went to see Van Halen's first tour where they completely played their first album prior to Black Sabbath as the headliner. After Van Halen finished, droves of people walked out. My friend wanted to do the same but I convinced him to stay. I figured we'll wait and see how they do first. I have to say they were much better live. I was very impressed with the show and amazed that Ozzy could sing as well as he did considering he was stoned out of his mind. He kept tilting back and forth and at times, looked as though he wanted to nod out. Anyhow, he's had a very long run, cheers!

Good he stays alive. To me, his best years were in  Black Sabbath, my favorite rock band. 

We were huge Sabbath fans back in the late 70s. Sabotage is a masterpiece. I must dig it out tomorrow for a spin.