esoteric p/1d/1gorb or dcs scarletti or top emm???

time for the spring upgradities...

which one of these combos ,or any other scad/cd playback system would you recommend?

thanks alot for any input and advice.
Ag insider logo xs@2xozy
thank you all for you valuable , and helpfull inputs....

but was also wondering if anyne hahd a chance to back -to -back in comparison the aforementioned brands, or even other ones ?
I will add my 2cents.Obviously everyones taste in sound is somewhat different.I use to have the emm se set never liked it I prefer by far the single unit esoteric x-01 limited to the EMM especially multi channel SACD play back .For two channel SACD playback I prefer the Accuphase dou .Emm is also poorly constructed for the money.As far as two units for CD redbook .I like both the Accuphase 800/801,which sounds great and is very well constructed,as well as the Zanden 2000 transport and the 5000 sig.DAC sounds wonderful but overpriced.

Noticed you are selling the Finite Elemente racks you so prized!

Have you found something or somethings that have upped the ante?

Thanks for your time and help in the past,
