has anyone tried ultrabit platinum on their cds

absolute sound this month raves about the ultrabit platinum fluid application onto cds. Has anyone tried this? I find it hard to believe that if your cd lens is clean and your cds are not scratched that this would have an impact other than subjectively wanting to hear it for the $75 this product costs.

Mmmm... not the same stuff as you are describing. If disc cleaning is all you're after, well, then just use windex (I don't believe you should, I am just joking here!).

I have yet to try this one. However, I have used L'Art Du Son CD treatment and Optrix as well as others eons ago. L'Art Du Son is superb. There is an immediate and definite improvemment in all areas of sonic playback. Far more "natural" sounding, far more open and dimensional soundstage, improvements in macro and micro dynamic shading, better and more stable imaging, better balance from top to bottom, much less digital glare and grunge (hash, grain), smoother, sweeter, etc.

I can only expect UBP would be fairly the same result. However, there are other optic improvers out on the market. Each does do slightly different sonic changes to the sound. How or why it works is beyond my understanding. All I know is, the playing side of the disc is definitely more clear, clean with "see through" to the aluminum or gold surface.
Another vote for L'Art du Son. It removes any "digititis" on CD's and makes them sound eminently natural and rich. It really is magical stuff, and I was an avowed skeptic before using it. FWIW, I think its a Harry Pearson favorite as well.

I have recently bought the "magic stuff". Having a very high resolution playback system, I can hear both minor and major changes in sources, components, tweaks, etc. This solution is definitely not "snake oil." The sonic changes that I have appreciated in the discs treated so far are greater openness and detail retrieval. If this is the result of better optic coupling, so be it. I have not tried L'Art du Son but I am certain that if it achieves improvements it must be due to the same phenomenon, ie, improving the laser read of the stored information.
Alright, 65 clams is expensive (4 or 5 cds). But at a cost of 10 cents per disc, this is not a big deal.
I have used both optrix and now, the Ultrabit Premium. Just got it yesterday, and my reaction is the same as described by Oddeophile. I didn't seem to get much improvement, if any, with the Optrix, but the UBP is for real.
Thanks everyone for posting. I was just wondering tonight if this stuff was worth a try, searched and here you were!