50 years of Hip Hop- How Come?

Having been a music fan for over 50 years, it’s been fun to see all the different musical genres that have come and gone in popular music.

In the the 50s it was Rock n Roll. Then in the 60s we had Psychedelia, in the 70s Punk, in the 80s New Wave, in the 90s Grunge. It was always interesting to see how music changed into the next new thing.

At the latest Grammy awards, which I did not see, there was a segment called 50 years of hip hop.

I’ve personally never been a big fan of the genre, there are some songs I have liked, but that’s ok. Everyone has their tastes. What I am surprised about is Hip Hops longevity. It just seems like for the last 25 years a lot of music hasn’t really changed much. There has been no " next new thing"as far as I can tell.

How Come? Anyone feel the same way or care to comment. Am I just getting old??



There are not hard trends like in the past because there is not such limited sources to hear new music. If you look in the old days about how we became aware of non-live music, the channel were limited - radio mostly, then TV. They controlled the content that was pushed. Now there are hundreds of sources of music and even millions of songs in streaming format that WE or I get to pick myself, not the radio DJ or the late night show, or SNL. IMO, there is more amazing music available now then ever from the older stuff to new non-radio bands that I can access. It is an amazing time to be a music listener (same with TV shows, documentaries, and movies if that is your thing - all in 4K - WOW), and that is just from the content side - the hardware is amazing and sound wonderful, even at an average price point.




I was wondering how long it would take for someone to adjust the eyeholes on their hood and see this thread…..


I wonder how many people on this thread who don’t like rap or hip hop, love jazz?

Do believe those of us who dislike hip hop, but love jazz, put our ’hoods on’ to disparage hip hop, then take them off when we listen to jazz?


Simon, you have to admit that there were a few poorly disguised bigoted posts prior to my above post. My post obviously wasn’t directed at you...please