Shunyata Delta or Alpha V2 NR vs. AQ Hurricane HC

Anyone ever compare these cables on the amp? I’m pretty happy with Hurricane but wondering about the latest Shunyata.
Any thoughts?


Shunyata Alpha and Sigma are better balanced. They also exhibit a more natural presentation of the upper frequencies.  The Hurricane, while excellent,  just isn't very refined up top. I tend to believe that comes from the silver plating on the plug, which is used to give it energy up top.  That said I find the Shunyata house sound a little too smooth overall for my taste.

@audphile1 I have never compared the Dragon directly against the Hurricane but I was totally blown away when I was given a Dragon HC to audition for my power amp.

Usually power cables offer subtle nuances of this and that but the Dragon is a component level in your face upgrade but it's extremely natural and balanced.

Nothing subtle about it.

I never was or am an AQ fanboy but the Dragon is incredible for a power amp cable.

I have several Dragon cables but using it for my power amp gave me the best results.

I have owned so many power cords through the years, but I’ll keep my comparisons to only the Shunyata and the AudioQuest.

I purchased at a good price a new Sigma NR V2 power cord. At the time I also owned several other Sigma V2 interconnects. It was good but I always thought it was lacking something. During this time, I also purchased a used AudioQuest Hurricane. It sounded different and more powerful than the Shunyata but to my system and ears at the time perhaps a little too boomy.

Then I got a AudioQuest Niagara 7000 power conditioner used and was I really impressed. My belief is that the top-of-the-line power conditioner probably was tested with the Dragon power cord, so I set out to try it with one.

Once I was able to find a used Dragon, it was game over. Instantly I could tell the power of my system. I ended up selling the Shunyata and the Hurricane power cables to help purchase a couple more Dragons to complete the loom.

Now, if I had purchased the Shunyata Everest power conditioner the Shunyata power cords might have proved to be a better fit.

I should note that comparing just the Shunyata Sigma V2, XC power cords to the Dragons straight up from the wall, the Dragons still were way better IMHO.


@marks560 unrefined top end with the hurricane in the system? That would only be if your components are not on the level. The top end is sweet and warm, mids are luscious and bass is full and textured. I would call the overall sound plump and warm. There’s a slight midbass boost.

I had two hurricanes at one point - one on puritan psm156 conditioner feeding sources and another on the amp connected directly to the wall outlet. 

@lordmelton Same as with the Hurricane, it’s best on the amplifier. I’ll look into Dragon. 

@ozzy I’m listening to the Alpha V2 NR on my amp right now, plugged into the Furutech GTX-D NCF outlet. I hear more neutral and balanced presentation with more air, details and focus than I did with the Hurricane. It does sound slightly cooler than the Hurricane. Perhaps slightly leaner in the mids with a bit more clarity. I’m used to the plump midbass of the Hurricane and this us a drastic change. Each cable has pros and cons. Shunyata layers better front to back and throws wider stage. Hurricane is warmer and more bassy which can be interpreted as boomy like you saud. I need to listen more to determine what I actually prefer. 

Keep in mind I’m exaggerating here for the intents and purposes of highlighting key differences. 


That’s all I got for now.