"The two meter definitely sounds better. While they are clearly the same power cord the 2 meter is a bit quieter. Definitely worth the money."
"I do find a difference in the sound between different lengths of powercords and the sorter ones I don’t care for as much..."
Let’s try to assume for a moment that the above observations ARE correct. Perhaps we give those who claim to actually hear something the benefit of the doubt and there ARE differences in the sonics of 1M and 2M cables. If an "error" exists, perhaps it is in our attempts to assign cause and effect with our limited knowledge base, thus disqualifying those conclusions in the minds of many? Or, to take it a another direction, maybe those explainations are correct but are simply ahead of the curve and could be months (or years) ahead of our current understanding of what makes things sound how they sound? Years ago, one reviewer, who’s name escapes me, was an engineer very comfortable with the fact that he could not explain in engineering terms the differences he was hearing in equipment. Maybe there are still lessons to be learned?
I like the poster’s plan to get his hifi buddies over for listening tests this weekend. I, for one, am very interested in the results.
As expected, we got the usual comments from those who think premium power cords are the industry equivilant of Ford Pinto exploding gas tanks.
Perhaps a little intellectual humility would prove to be beneficial, and we toss "what we know" out the window, and just listen?