Fantasy or reality? Inexpensive solid state preamps that get you 80% there?

Recently, I posted asking about solid state preamps in the $4k region. I got some really good suggestions. Much appreciated. I have that list saved in a folder and will consult it.

I'm still a bit shy about spending $4k. So, lately, I've found myself reading about Schiit Saga and Freya S preamps. Why? Well, the idea of a non-tube preamp still appeals to me but these are much, much less expensive. 

I'm wondering if anyone has done some comparing of Schiit's Saga and Freya solid state preamps? Have you tried either of these preamps and come to some conclusions about their sonic worth compared to other more expensive solid state preamps? Were they worth it? Were they just a waste of time for you?

In brief:

Schiit Saga S vs. Freya S?
Schiit Saga or Freya vs. more costly solid state preamps?

The ultimate reason for asking is that this is a hobby where it's easy to plunk down small amounts of money (relatively) thinking that one can get 80% of what they want only to find that there's really no free lunch. If that's the case, I'll just keep saving for something better (Pass, Ayre, etc.). If not, I might just try a Saga or Freya (or something else — Parasound used? Etc.)


@jl35 So Freya S you like -- and Pass is your reference? High praise! Topping, Van Alstine, Odyssey -- great!

$2k for a preamp is inexpensive to some here. I like having that price point to consider, but I'm still most curious about what's $1k or less.

Still listening for other suggestions.

@hilde45 Wrote:

If not, I might just try a Saga or Freya (or something else — Parasound used? Etc.)

I recommend you do a home demo of the Freya+ you must try it in your rig to know if you like the way it sounds.


Since the ARC SP-3 came out in the early 1970’s, if a solid state designer/manufacturer hasn’t learned how to mimic a good tube pre-amp in 49 years for a reasonable price, I would be shocked!

Mimic is not the same as "identical," but might be close enough for the $$.

Of course, you could always buy a used tube one and save from paying new prices, AND get the sound you are seeking.


Post removed 

The Audio GD master 19  preamp under $1400, or model 29 if you have around $2k ,they are very good examples ,yes made in China but many parts made in U.S Japan and Europe. 2 big R core transformers , substantial u.k capacitors 

and a 100 step relay controlled preamp with a very respectable headphone amp 

with adjustable gain to match your other electronics . Excellent value for the money with excellent bass and dynamics unmatched in its price class. I compared the Schitt and nothing there for power supplies to match the midBass and bass of the Audio gd , not saying it is the end all ,but very good quality value for the Money.