I’ve owned the TOTEM ARROs and TOTEM FORESTs in prior systems , so ai know the TOTEM sonic signatures, strengths, and warts very well.
which speaker model you choose will be predicated by the amount of “grunt” ( and that means current = amps ….WPC alone are meaningless) it can deliver. TOTEMs are power hogs …the ARRO is easier to drive in my experiences, But the small midrange / bass driver means compromise on bass reproduction based on elementary physics.
I experimented with numerous speaker cables, from budget to the expensive. In short, I’d stick with the Ag coated over Cu models. The ones that immediately come to mind are the CHORD RUMOUR X , CHORD ODYSSEY, and TOTEM TRESS
- Save your cash and don’t blow the wad on expensive speaker cables. Rather, stay with the mid-priced ones listed above. Expensive options disappointed …they produced somewhere between negligible / minimal / meh? depending on the rest of your system,
- The TOTEM TRESS are in-house cables modelled after the class-leading CHORDs, specifically the original RUMOUR.( current model is now the RUMOUR X)
- I like the CHORD ODYSSEYs in that are identical in materials and build to RUMOURs EXCEPT FOR being a double thickness. It made for a bit more slam and dynamics for me. BUT …they cost double too so it may be a non-optimal choice for some in the $$$ vs VALUE proposition.
- The TOTEM speakers are internally wired with their in-house TRESS cables… it’s intuitive that extending the same cable or proxies works well.
the CHORD RUMOUR X as the premier $$ to performance choice. Curiously, I’m guessing that their bespoke upgraded shielding when compared to the TRESS,, and an ethereal “who knows exactly why” factor were a slightly better performance reasonin my system.
The RUMOUR X model is a class leader rated contender and no pretender
they are $$$ comparable to the TRESS.