New Synergistic Master Fuse

New From VH Audio,

Synergistic Master Fuse cost $595.00

I'll stick with Orange Fuses.


@andynotadam , now THAT'S what I'm talking about.

You obviously have a system where the subtleties can be heard (observed?) readily. 

Not sure my system is worth upgrading from the Purples, but those, too replace Oranges, so.....

I'd agree....that's a no-brainer with the coupon. 

Please report back and let us know how it goes. 

The Purples need break in - maybe 50 hours on mine before they really kicked in though upon first installing they make an audible difference immediately.

Fuses, including the expensive audiophile fuses, are always a minor degradation to the sound compared to solid wire. Ignore masturba...92 and he may go away.


Post removed 

The new Master fuse is priced out of most audiophiles budget. I bought 3 of their purple fuses. That wasn't a bad way to spend on a system tweak. But the Master of 3 fuses is way touch for this audiophile. I'll stay with the purple haze fuses.