What is the best way to clean Vinyl?



Hey, is it possible that the Spin Clean is causing static?

I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere, and it might be my experience.  I'm still testing it out though.

For those suffering from static on your LP’s: I enthusiastically recommend the Furutech DeStat III. I for years suffered with the Zerostat (I still have my original pre-Milty), then discovered the much better (far less "fussy") Nagaoka Kilavolt No. 103, which I used for 25 years (a quarter century?! Time flies when you’re having fun ;-) .

Furutech introduced the original DeStat years ago, but it wasn’t until the "III" version was introduced that I desired and acquired (look out Dylan ;-) one. I had reservations about the design of the I and II. The DeStat III? Fan-f*cking-tastic! Very easy to use, and VERY effective at killing static on PVC (LP’s are NOT made of vinyl). The DeStat III is, unfortunately, not cheap. It retails for $390, and sells for that price down into the low-to-mid $300's. I waited until one came up on eBay, somehow getting mine (new) for $200. I’m a patient guy, and a cheapskate ;-) .

Consumer alert:

For those apprehensive about ordering a product with a less than perfect reputation for reliability from a Hong Kong company such as Humminguru (understandable imo), that ultrasonic cleaner is now available on Amazon. $499 (free shipping, of course) for the machine and the optional adapters for 7" and 10" discs.

I don't know what the warranty is like, but if you buy on Amazon you can at least immediately return the HG hassle-free if it arrives DOA. If I had $500 to spend on a single cleaning method, I believe I'd go for the HG.

I found this online:

Does Spin-Clean damage records?

I've cleaned about a thousand records with my Spin-Clean, and I haven't had a problem with any residue or greasy coating, but I DID have a problem with increased crackle that got better after a play or two. It was most noticeable on new records, as they are generally very quiet to begin with.