Resolution Audio Opus 21 TRL Audio mod

Has anyone had him mod this unit? If so, what do you think of it? Have you been able to compare it to a GNSC mod? I want to be sure to get the most for my money.

My only concern would be whether it is as good. Can he give you any referals? Also, not sure how this would affect resale value vs. a GNSC modded unit. Last time I spoke with Steve at GNSC he was going to be raising his price for this mod. and possibly even discontinuing it for units not purchased from him. I heard the price has gone up to $2,000. I have the GNSC mods and this is a great player with the mods. Do you already own the Opus 21? Where do you live, ie. what part of the country?
The GNSC mods to the Opus 21 are well documented here and on other sites and have received almost universal praise. Is there a particular reason that you feel compelled to search out a different moodder? Do you know if TRL has any experience modding this player?
I owned the Opus 21 and now own a TRL modified Sony NS900. It is his best mod with battery powered digital to analog section. The TRL unit is so much better you would sell the Opus 21 after listening for 10 minutes.

TRL modified units are stunning and I say to you - go for it with Paul/Brian at TRL.

I have never heard digital sound as wonderful as my TRL Sony player.


because of the comments seems this TRL is amazing...GNSC get a lot of the same though. I just want to do it right the first time. GNSC does a lot more of the Opus 21 mods then Paul. He said that he's only done one of the Opus 21's. I don't know...