Where do you stop?

I bought some 99.9 % pure silver speaker cables. I read the reviews before investing in them and they talked about how they seem brighter and most felt it was because of the lack of noise and more imagining. Some didn't care for the new sound but most loved what it did. I really liked the change so much I bought some to go from my preamp to my mono block tube amps. That sounded even better. So what the heck I bought more to use from a phono amp to my pre amp and then some silver phono cables. Every time I added them into my system it sounded better and better. So here is my question, The Silver in the cables according to the reviews are superior because they conduct electricity better than copper and have a lower impedance if my memory serves me correctly. What happens to the signal when it meets copper wiring in speakers or other gear? Should all the wire be replaced anywhere it can be and will it continue to sound better? 


If upgrading the system to silver wiring, what about the power cables coming into the house? They are still copper. So you can only go so far. Plus current doesn’t flow faster through silver vs copper but it does matter about wire size. Actually I heard speaker wires from AQ that cost thousands with the battery pack which on a certain high end amp made the speakers sound worse than putting in a different pair of cables on the same amp. So yes it’s a challenge to match the right pair of cables with your equipment.

I ended up on a similar journey. In one of my systems, I ended up with a full loom of 5N silver interconnects, speaker cables, digital cable, and power cords. That's where I'm going to stop, I'm not going to be concerned with internal wiring although I have a feeling that it would make a positive difference also. I also think the quality of the silver cables makes a big difference.

I went with pure Gold cables and wires, LOL!  I have a nice shiny sound now!  What a fracking rabbit hole!!!!  If I did the silver thing my wife would toss me out the window!  Enjoy!!!!!

I'm having an amp built with all internal silver wiring. 

That said, silver isn't always better.  It is however, always about 7% better conductor than copper.  However, conductance (inverse of resisistance) isn't always the governing parameter.

You quote what others have said about silver.  I generally ignore these wine spectator sounding monologs.  Everyone feels that if they can't write a review that includes "subtle hints of anis and manure" they aren't really and audiophile and I think most of them are not very accurate.  Use your own ears. 

One rule of thumb I have about silver.  digital signals always benefit from a little silver.  but since it is such a low level signal, silver coated copper works well.

I am currently using silver/gold/copper interconnects by Mundorf but I've been meaning to build some pure silver ones and your post reminded me to get that wire ordered.  



@eryoung2k Gold is not as good a conductor as copper but I can see that it might appeak to uneducated rich guys.