Solid core OFC vs stranded OCC copper

Which would you chose and why? Benefits and drawbacks of each? 




Who  manufactures the speakers and  What size and type wire is being used now ,  have you or are you going to upgrade the crossovers ?

On the Thiel forum there is a lot of conversation about internal wiring ,  I myself rewired using Cardas 17.5awg for the tweeter , midrange and using 15.5awg for the woofer , where the original wiring was 18awg solid  .  I have also upgraded the components on the crossovers .


@vair68robert I'll check out that forum.  They are ascend 3way with 6-1/2" seas drivers and raal ribbon. The designer has a new upgrade kit that is a klippel nfs redesign of crossover and updated drivers keeping the existing wiring and cabinet.
I invested in the kits, and I'm going to do the install. That is why I'm considering to upgrade the hookup wiring while I have eveything apart. The original wiring appears to be a niclely twisted pair of silver tinned changda 600v 14awg hookup wire with push connectors and soldered to the tweeter and crossofer. I'm considering using cardas, aq, canare but may just leave it alone since i'm sure i know it will change the sound and unknown if the change in capacitance would promote phase shift etc.  


It's very cool that that the manufacture makes an upgrade kit for the crossovers , but new drivers too !

Whichever way you go from my experience I'd stay away from silver plating over copper wiring , either use pure copper or pure silver  .

I use the Neotech Sahara cables, they are rectangular OCC copper they sound superior to the round OCC but very expensive and the silver rectangular OCC is really crazy price, but the sound quality is exemplary.

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