Best bargain find ever ?

I've just missed out on sooo many I'm curious what others have snagged. I've found some really good deals but have yet to hit the proverbial jackpot. I once got a Kenwood KD-650 TT w/granite base/ SME 3009 III/Shure V15MR MKV in immaculate condition with owner's manuals for $200.00. I also snagged a Parasound PH/P 850 Pre-Amp for $125.00 (when they were going for $450.00 new) I also once got a complete Adcom set-up GFA 545 II amp, GTP-450 Pre, GCD 600 CD Player with a pair of Paradigm Titan speakers for $400.00. How about you ?
I went to an estate sale and bought a complete house full o audio design associates gear. It was probably $30k when new a few years ago. I took everything, even the keypads out of the walls plus the controller and several amps. I kept an amp and sold the remainder for a $3500 profit. I turned that money into a brand new c-j preamp and revel M106 speakers....
Just last sunday i went to a thrift store not the one
i go often...And found believe me or not a pair of
Acoustic Research AR 3 for $10 cad not each for both!!!!!!

They are in great shape every driver work and they sound
like nothing i have ear before. The best speaker i ever
had also the less expensive. One pair just sold for $1425US
on ebay...

Before i get a MINT Sony DVP-S7700 $75 cad and a Mint
Meridian 565 here for $220 US.

Just need to get a good power amp that love AR 3
McIntosh MC60, sitting on top of a big trash pile on garbage day. But, alas, no tubes. Back then I didn't have the funds for refurbishing and purchasing its sister so I traded it for a very nice Knight KN-928, which I still occasionally use.
I have take pleasure to go at thrift store i discover
when i was staying in a room at Salvation Army. This
period was very hard for me but now i got a very good
work and i'm bless... Praise the LORD!!!

So same when i start to work and get better i still
visiting my local thrift store. I have found so many
good thing REALLY CHEAP too long to listed here. But
just three week ago i came in front of a pair of Acoustic
Reseach AR 3 at a thrift store. Peoples paid $1500 on ebay
for them plus shipping but me i get a working pair for $10. PAIR???

And i Have not yet realise HOW I WAS LUCKY... BTW they sound
amazing and my speaker search has end with them. Will build
my system around this wonderfull speaker legend and best
speaker 70 ever.

This is my best bargain ever and i give God the glory for that cause HE is Faithfull.