Okay......best single box reference CD player

I currently own a CEC TL-1 transport, along with a dcs Delius and Purcell upsampler.....what one box CD player out there can deliver dynamics, transpareny, smoothness and inner detail that will outperform my current set up. Meridian 808....???? Please let me know your thoughts....
Trade your Delius for a Scarlatti DAC. I know it's not a 1 box solution, but you will be very pleased.
top of the line naim player in 1994. i believe it was the cd x. it came in 2 "boxes".

another great one is the cal tempest.
Most of the players mentioned are top class and you will probably satisfied with any of them. Put EMM LABS CDSA in your list also.
Another vote for AMR CD-77.

Seeing that you have dCS gear now, you may also want to give the dCS Puccini some consideration.