Read the room dude. The OP, "I took 6 years of of math and physics in college all pertaining to electronics and sound ", and he does sound for major motion pictures. You keep acting like he is some sort of neophyte, and while this may not be his areas of expertise, pointing him to ETSY is both insulting, pointless, and of negative value.
Diffusers, ones that work at least, are a major effort to build, and to work, they must have fairly substantial depth.
It is not about just throwing something up on a wall either. You have to consider what frequencies you are going to diffuse over, and being too wide, but not wide enough can make things worse, not better.
There are some good absorber calculators out there too for the DIY: .
You have to know the resistivity of the material. There are some papers out there where you can gleam that info: